Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Call for Kiro to step down

"Children's commissioner" Cindy Kiro uses child-abuse cases as fuel for her vision of socialization. "Clausen claims that theories of socialization are to be found in Plato, MontaigneRousseau and he identifies a dictionary entry from 1828 that defines 'socialize' as 'to render social, to make fit for living in society'"1. She tells of a constant stream of complaints from citizens saying that they are fed up with our shocking child-abuse statistics.

Instead of apologising to New Zealand, to every decent mum and dad and handing in her resignation after her doing such a shoddy job, she turns round and has the audacity to say "It is very heartening to see so many people wanting to make a difference". However, this is not the point that Kiwis are trying to get across to their anti-democratic government which doesn't listen to them. Stifled by layer upon layer of bureaucracy, we are kicked in the teeth and told that "With more investment in
programmes and systems..." we can combat child-abuse.

Kiro states: "My Office is currenting working through the many offers we have received so that we can establish the best use of them." Why can't she leave us alone? New Zealanders didn't ask for imported Swedish laws, reeking of communism to further screw up our Country.

Sue Bradford states "Consideration should also be given to Childrens Commissioner
Cindy Kiro's proposition that all children be tracked from birth, to ensure at least one external person or group has an eye on the child's welfare. The answer doesn't lie in making our welfare system even more repressive - especially when a Health Ministry survey released yesterday shows half of teenagers are 'victims of violence'," Ms Bradford says. 2.

These are dangerous, dangerous ideas and plans that these extremist, communistic
Beaurocrats are working on. New Zealanders would do well to stay informed as we approach local body elections and then the general election.

1. from Wikipedia.org
2. from www.scoop.co.nz

Below is the article.
New Zealand reaches child abuse tipping point

Thursday, 2 August 2007, 11:24 am
Press Release: Office of the Children's Commissioner

Children's Commissioner, Dr Cindy Kiro, believes that New Zealand has
reached a tipping point and we will no longer tolerate the abuse of our
most vulnerable citizens - our children.

"This week, my Office has been inundated by contact from people of all
walks of life who have enough of hearing about yet an other abused
child. These people have something very important in common - they all
want to do something to help. They may have ideas on what needs to be
done. They may want to donate their time or their money. They may be
well-known New Zealanders who want to use their profile to raise
awareness of the issues and what can be done," says Dr Kiro."

"My Office is currenting working through the many offers we have
received so that we can establish the best use of them."

"It is very heartening to see so many people wanting to make a
I believe that we are moving from a situation of saying that 'someone
else should do something about this' to one of 'I want to do something
about this'."

"There is a place for individuals, families, communities, government and
society to all do something about this issue."

"We need investment in education and better health outcomes for children
and boosting the ability of community organisations to work with
government to deliver services that support children and families."

"I believe that the establishment of an plan for every child through an
integrated framework for children and their families that would provide
a foundation for more co-ordinated strategies. An integrated framework
would bring a systematic child-focused approach to monitoring the
development of every child and young person in New Zealand through
co-ordinated planned assessment at key life stages and supporting
families to make sure children have the opportunity to reach their full
potential. The assessments would take into account the whole child:
their physical, social, educational, emotional, and psychological

"With more investment in programmes and systems and the goodwill and
actions of ordinary New Zealanders, I believe we can combat child abuse
and improve the lives of our children," says Dr Kiro.

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