Saturday, September 08, 2007

Anti-Smacking Bill has failed


It is an indication of the abject failure of the Anti-Smacking Bill to have any impact on child abuse that some of its most vociferous supporters are now proposing to spend $5m a year of taxpayers money to spy on babies and toddlers.

Will National now pledge to repealing the Anti-Smacking Bill? It's obvious to the overwhelming majority of Kiwis -- who never supported it -- that it is not working (and under our breath are all saying "Told you so").

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And what standards are new familes going to be judged on? How is the $5m going to be spent? Is my lifestyle going to be considered abusive? What about the lifestyle of those doing the judging? I consider their lifestyles be very abusive. Children need parents not foster parents, daycare, teachers etc.